Chris M

What I've learned from my personal practice…

probably the most important lesson I've learned from my practice is that the only constant is change. Yoga provides a framework where I can observe the ever changing landscape of my mind and body, learning to respond in an authentic way to what I am feeling. Also, the clarity that arises from a regular yoga practice helps me navigate our ever shifting world with more presence and authenticity.

I love teaching…

leading a group of yogis through this practice feels like an extension of my own asana practice. Whether I'm practicing or teaching, I always leave the studio after a class feeling transformed! It's such an honor to be able to hold space and provide structure that has the potential to help guide people through their personal journeys and tap into their inner power.

I'm inspired by…

whether I'm practicing or leading a class, I am so inspired by yogis! I also get inspired by music, art, nature, and people who work to create a better world. Mostly though, I'm inspired by my incredible wife Elizabeth, and our two amazing kids, Ilana and Jordan.

My other passion or hobby in life is...

Listening to music is one of my favorite pastimes and music has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. I've been performing in one way or another since I was a child, am currently active in the Rochester music scene, and teach music at the University of Rochester. Beyond that, I love travelling, being in nature, watching movies and especially having adventures and spending time doing 'whatever' with my family!

Chris’s Schedule: