Kara M

Certification: RYT 200; Certified Meditation Teacher

What I've learned from my personal practice…

what haven’t I learned?!?! I’ve been practicing yoga for almost 20 years and what always amazes me the most are the personal insights that pop up each time I step on my mat. I’ve learned that in each moment, I can choose to be patient or not, strong or not, focused or scattered. The choice always rests in my hands. My body offerers me everything I need, and my yoga practice reminds me to trust that. 

I love teaching…

because it gives me an opportunity to share my passion for yoga and meditation with others. 

I'm inspired by… 

each teacher here at breathe and the yogis who attend my classes. The teachers are so generous in sharing their knowledge and time. I couldn’t ask for better guides on this journey. When I watch the yogis in my class move in a way that honors what they need in each moment, I feel further committed to doing the same. I am incredibly grateful for the entire breathe community!

My other passion or hobby in life is… 

spending time with my family first and foremost! I also love to read, garden, and travel. I spent 25 years working in the zoo field so you could say I have a great love and appreciation for animals and conservation.

Kara’s Schedule: