Stephani R

Certification: RYT 200

What I've learned from my personal practice…

I have learned to be patient and kind to myself. Some days I feel unstoppable and other days I just need some quiet time in a few poses on my mat. I have learned to let my time on the mat be "me" time and not just exercise or yoga time. 

I love teaching…

restorative and foundations classes

I'm inspired by… 

watching others let their own story unfold. When I work with another person who is trying to find their own way, not just the way they have heard it should be, I feel inspired to do the same with my own practice. Listening to your own body and your own soul is so healing. 

My other passion or hobby in life is… 

reading. I am in 2 book clubs! While I love reading a variety of books, I never turn down a good mystery or thriller. 

Stephani’s Schedule: